A Healthier, Happier You.

Now more than ever health is on everyone’s mind. Getting well, staying well, doing what we can to have healthy bodies. Building our immune systems, losing weight, lowering blood pressure. We keep hearing the term “high risk”.  We don’t want to be high risk, so what can we do to take control and lower our risk of disease? Eating a balanced diet high in organic products is a good start, but it’s not enough. We need expert advice.

Today I am interviewing Frank Ambroise, a Nutritionist and Wellness coach, to get some insight into health and wellness. Frank wears many hats, he is also an author, poet, business owner, and hosts a radio show at  https://www.crrnetworkinc.com, Thursday mornings at 10am.  

Let’s get started.

Q: Frank, what started you on the path to wellness?

A: For many years I suffered from back and stomach problems. I was visiting the doctor weekly, but not getting better. I knew I had to take control. I returned to school and received my degree in Nutrition.

Q: Did you have a mentor, someone who supported you on your journey?

A: My sister, Michelle. She believes in taking control and learning to heal and maintain your body, only visiting the doctor for emergencies.

Q: Eating well is a good start, but we can’t always get all the nutrients we need from food alone. What do you advise?

A: Supplements and cleansing are needed to keep the body well balanced.

Q: Are all supplements created equal, to the same standards?

A: No, you must always read the label before you buy. Only buy pure, organic supplements. Read reviews and get guidance on the right ones for you.

Q: You’re a nutritionist and a wellness coach. The products you recommend are organic and produced to a high standard by a company called PureTrim. What sets PureTrim apart from the others?

A: PureTrim is in strict compliance with all Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to ensure our products consist of natural ingredients of the highest quality and purity. Our ingredients and products are repeatedly tested to ensure only safe products are provided to our customers, while strictly adhering to pharmaceutical standards of dietary supplement product manufacturing. Adherence to those guidelines has earned PureTrim a place in the Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR) year after year.

Q: Choosing the right supplement can be very confusing. Do you help guide your clients to the right supplement for them?

A: Yes, it is important to know individual health status and lifestyle to guide them to the right products. Not everyone needs the same thing.

Q: What sets your wellness business apart from others?

A: Personal relationship, partnering in their wellness journey and going the extra mile.

Q: Frank, we have only touched on a few things in this interview, I hope you will return for another, we really appreciate your time.  How can our readers contact you for more information?

A: I would be happy to answer any of their questions. They can contact me by email, frankambroise@gmail.com , phone 954-610-0629 or 800-692-9273 , or my website at https://francowellness.puretrim.com

Thank you again, Frank, for sharing your knowledge with us.

I invite you to check out Frank’s website for more in-depth information. Knowledge is power, enabling us to take control of our own health and wellness. We are all in this together, sharing knowledge and sources to reach our goals.  I have no affiliate relationship with the products mentioned in this interview. Be blessed and stay well.

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