Is Our Food Killing Us?

We do what we can to eat a balanced diet and stay healthy. But there are hidden dangers in our food that are making us sick, very sick. A hidden ingredient that will cause long-term damage to not only our bodies but our children’s. You’ve heard of it, GMO. Yes, that nasty little rascal has worked its way into most of our food supply. Damaging our cells, building toxins in our bodies and creating havoc. How many people do you know that have developed an autoimmune disorder? Diseases and disorders that were not common are now common. That’s not counting all those suffering from un-diagnosed conditions, chronic symptoms that increase and no one knows what’s wrong. I think we all know a few people who have declined in their health, despite exercise and a healthy diet.

The company that has been forcing GMO’s down our throats, literally, is the same one that is poisoning us and our environment with Roundup.

They tell us GMO’s are necessary to increase food production and stave off world hunger. Guess what? That is false. Along with everything else we’ve been told about GMO’s. I’m not an expert, just a regular person doing my best to provide healthy food for my family. It’s difficult to find trusted sources when you are trying to educate yourself on healthy living. I am thankful there are professionals working on trying to educate us on these dangers. They’ve studied it and know the facts. We need to listen to them.

Dr. Patrick Gentempo has a nine day series on the topic of GMO’s. In the series he interviews the experts, the ones who have studied GMO’s and their effect on the human body. Even if you think you know all the dangers, you don’t. Do yourself, and your family, a favor and watch this series. The series is free and he will send you a daily link to access the day’s interviews. I’ve watched the first two, and I am amazed at the amount of information he has provided for us.  There is no catch. Dr. Gentempo has done a tremendous amount of work putting this information together, solely to educate us on the real truth.  Do yourself, and your loved ones, a favor. Click the link below to access the series.



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