Category: Blog


A Healthier, Happier You.

Now more than ever health is on everyone’s mind. Getting well, staying well, doing what we can to have healthy bodies. Building our immune systems, losing weight, lowering blood pressure. We keep hearing the term “high risk”.  We don’t want to be high risk, so what can we do to take control and lower our risk of disease? Eating a balanced diet high in organic products is a good start, but it’s not enough. We need expert advice. Today I am interviewing Frank Ambroise, a Nutritionist and Wellness coach, to get some insight into healthContinue reading



April 15th, 1912.  It has been one hundred and seven years since the Titanic sank but the stories of those who perished and those who survived still intrigue and mystify us. We still ask, why? It didn’t have to happen. Even after hitting the iceberg, the tremendous loss of life should not have happened. A horrible chain of events led Titanic to its doom. The first event was the fire in the coal bunker. Some experts think the fire weakened the hull. Testimony  provided surviving crew member, J. Dilley, a fireman on board. He statedContinue reading


Is Our Food Killing Us?

We do what we can to eat a balanced diet and stay healthy. But there are hidden dangers in our food that are making us sick, very sick. A hidden ingredient that will cause long-term damage to not only our bodies but our children’s. You’ve heard of it, GMO. Yes, that nasty little rascal has worked its way into most of our food supply. Damaging our cells, building toxins in our bodies and creating havoc. How many people do you know that have developed an autoimmune disorder? Diseases and disorders that were not common areContinue reading


Ancient Crafts

Step back a moment, tread back into the past, away from technology back to an era when the master craftsman were held in high regard. The works they produced passed down from generation to generation. Beautiful furniture hand crafted, no two pieces identical. Finely carved moldings adorned the homes. Silversmiths produced one of a kind pieces and everything was created by hand. Do you have a piece that has been passed down through your family? If so, you will recognize my admiration for the craftsmen of old. Perhaps you touch the piece of furniture andContinue reading


New Year Goal and Back to Work

I must confess, I didn’t get any writing done over the holidays. I spent most of my time in the kitchen, cooking and baking. Mince pies, sausage rolls, cookies, all the necessities of Christmas.  I love making good things for my family to enjoy and experimenting with new recipes. In my next post I’ll share the new recipe I created which has become a new favorite for my husband.  We were once again blessed to have the family together for Christmas. It warms my heart, spending time with loved ones and friends. Making new memoriesContinue reading


Tools for Authors

I’m always in pursuit of tools that help improve my writing. I discovered a goldmine in Books Go Social. If you haven’t heard of Books Go Social, you need to check them out. Laurence and his team offer many valuable services to writers of all stages. Their FB page for authors is a great area for writers to connect and support one another. Not a snarky site, I’ve only seen positive responses to questions asked. I was steered to one of their services after viewing a marketing webinar regarding the benefit of badges and awardsContinue reading


Conversation and Understanding

In a time of strife, perhaps a little kindness and understanding might help. Understanding only comes through conversation. Humans, listening and learning from one another. The end goal is not to make the other believe as you do, but for each to learn and thus understand the opposing views. Only when the layers are peeled away, does understanding and increased knowledge take place. The great scholars in history knew the value of civilized debate. They thirsted for knowledge and knew they could only continue learning by listening, discussing their shared beliefs and the beliefs theyContinue reading


At Last- The Revelation

After months of writing, re-writing and editing, The Revelation, is complete! The third book in The Descendants series taunted me and forced me to step outside my comfort zone.  I pushed myself to learn more of my craft and my subject matter. Writing a series can be difficult, you don’t want to keep re-hashing information from the earlier books, but you do have to input some back-story. I hope I managed to do that. I wanted the book to be able to be read as a standalone for those who hadn’t read the first two.Continue reading


Learning to Market in the Self-Publishing World

Marketing, the despised part of self-publishing for most authors. I’m a self-confessed dummy when it comes to marketing. I want to learn and I was so blessed to stumble across this brilliant group of experts. This past week I had the pleasure of attending the online Book Marketing Experts Summit, hosted by  best-selling author and self-publishing coach, Geoff Affleck. A big thank you to Geoff for putting all these experts together. There was so much information. I have a notebook full of notes and new resources to help me in my journey. This is ratherContinue reading


Keep Calm and write that blurb!

The Revelation, book three in The Descendants series, is finished! I am currently working on the blurb while the editing process takes place. The blurb has my stomach in knots, palms sweating, you get the picture. An author works months on their manuscript, and all is calm. Then comes the time to do the description, the one everyone sees before deciding to buy your book. The small description that either sells it or has them moving on. I struggle with trying to give a brief description. There is so much to tell, but summarize IContinue reading